No more “would have/could have/should have”...
try BuddyUp Social instead.

First things first: we think it’s time to get real.

This is not a dating app.

This is a social networking app for real people, wanting to meet in the real world, in a really digital world.

Humans are, by nature, social creatures, and if a global pandemic hadn’t made it apparent, there’s also vast scientific research proving that being part of a social network and feeling connected to others releases endorphins - our body’s own happy booster. True story. You can Google it if you don’t believe us.

How does it work?

Imagine actually being able to partake in social events without a row of digital hurdles. On BuddyUp Social there are aren’t any ‘closed’ groups or complicated forums to navigate. As your digital ‘plus one’, we’ve aimed to make it as easy as can be when it comes to finding an actual Buddy (or many Buddies) for that event, workout, dinner, walk, party, language exchange… you name it… that you’ve been itching to do but so far been buddy-less.

Find an event.

From walks in the park, to pick-up games, dinner parties, running buddies, knitting buddies to language exchanges and everything in between; find the event or gathering you were just thinking about but need others to join in too.

Create an event.

Should it happen, that the idea you had can’t be found - then be the first to blink and create the event yourself and find your missing buddy.
We bet there’s someone out there just waiting for an “invite” to pop up on their screen.

BuddyUp and get socialising.

Just create, join, “buddy-up”. Nothing more, nothing less. Meet and connect with people who share your interests. It’s free to create an account. So what are you waiting for? BuddyUp and get social today!

BuddyUp Social. Because socialising
shouldn’t be an obstacle course.

What [y]our Buddies are saying:

Share [y]our moments.

Tag @buddyup_social  and #buddyupsocial