Created on a need. Founded with a vision.
Shared with a mission.
Disclaimer: Below is a longer and detailed origin story. If you’re not in a reading mode, the short story goes as follows: a girl had a desire to network, but didn’t know how, so she was often found at home on the couch with ideas, but no plans. She thought of an app that could help her, but needed help to bring it to life. Two strangers met, and became business partners with a joint vision. The result is this app - BuddyUp Social - shared with the mission of getting social souls off the couch.
The longer story comes here:
Moving to new places is exciting. But also unnerving especially with age. When I first moved back to Denmark back in 2013, having lived overseas most of my childhood, expert at integrating into new groups and friend groups, I thought I was a rather social creature, at ease with networking and starting new things - and being a Dane, I naively thought being able to jump over the language barrier would have me out and about socialising every day of the week. But what we tend to forget is, that whilst 9-year old me could confidently walk up to a group of kids and ask what they were doing, and if I could join, 24-year old me had with the years become acutely aware of “friend circles” that - understandably - grew stronger and more fixed with the years. In short: the older I got, the harder it seemed to get.
One bored and eventless Sunday afternoon in 2014, I (once again) had this desire to play badminton, but I still hadn’t found a buddy who shared this spontanous interest. And this is when the idea for the BuddyUp Social app was born. But being half way through a Masters in International Studies, I didn’t really see how I could make an app. I could see it. Visualise it. But couldn’t bring it to life. So time went by, and “the real world” and a “real job” took over, and BuddyUp Social was shelved, but still a ever-lingering thought - what if.
Fast forward to 2019, a job quittal, a quarterlife crisis, and growing studies and statistics on loneliness amongst people, the idea started resurfacing again. But then March 2020 arrived - and the world went standstill. Denmark was luckily/thankfully one of the few countries that opened up in the summer, and after a few months of total solitude, I realised that I - and assumedly others - needed socialising more than ever. So I reached out to the boyfriend of a friend whom I’d heard was an app developer - who not only agreed to meet the mere acquaintance that I was at a socially distant cafe in Copenhagen, but who’s been crazy enough to join me on this wild idea. This guy is Graham. My original Buddy and business partner.
The past two years we’ve in short been balancing full-time jobs with late-night teams meetings, brainstorms and missed weekends with the shared (and at times stubborn) mission of bringing BuddyUp Social to life.
We know we’ll be using the app, and we hope we get to share it with you at events near and far.
See you out there!
Tania & Graham